Mobile Device Features 1

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In the next two segments, we will talk about some features that are unique to mobile devices and how to use them.


  • May not be supported on older devices
  • Once the user has taken or selected a picture, a PictureBox on the form is updated.
  • Reading the picture in is asynchronous: pictures can be large and take time to load.
  • Pictures can then be emailed or manipulated.


  • Emoji are extended characters that are built into mobile devices.
  • There are hundreds of them: arrows, letters, roman numerals, pictures of food, building, transportation, flags, animals. And of course, happy faces, sad faces, crying faces.
  • They are saved as standard characters: each has its own character code number.
  • There is a complete list here:
  • Support varies by browser
  • Most mobile devices are OK
  • Desktop Safari works
  • Desktop Chrome needs an (but an extension to see these)
  • The characters are in the format &#xxxxxx; where xxxxxx is the decimal value
  • Cheeseburger is 🍔 (or &#x1F354 in hex)


Mobile devices can be rotated. It's up to you to decide how you want your app to handle this.

  • The two orientations are referred to as Portrait and Landscape.
  • The layout of your form will be completely different between the two.
  • If you don't want to support rotation, add the Orientation control to your app. Set its screenOrientation property to portrait or landscape. When the screen is rotated, this message will appear:

  • If you do want to support orientation, you will want to take action when the screen is rotated
Function window_onorientationchange()
  'This function is called if the orientation of the device is changed.
  MsgBox "orientation changed to " & window.orientation
End Function
  • You can now resize and reposition your controls, using code like this:
Function window_onorientationchange()
  If Abs(window.orientation)=90 Then 'Landscape
  Else                               'Portrait 
  End If
End Function
  • You will have to do this to all controls which are affected.