ToolTip: Difference between revisions

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{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
| dividers || Is the item a divider? Comma separated list of Y and N. Design time.
| close-icon-position || Where should the close icon appear? To the left, right or not at all?
| dividerTheme || Which theme should all the dividers have? A-z. Design time
| message || The message which appears when the mouse is over the icon. Could be something like "Learn more". Does not do anything on touchscreen devices.
| images || Image file names for each line, comma separated. Design time
| popupmsg || The message which appears when the icon is clicked. Can be formatted HTML.
| imageStyle || None, 16x16 or 80x80. Design time
| tipWidth || The width of the tip. Can be in pixels (100px) or a percent of screen width (50%).
| items || List of item names, comma separated.Items can be plain text or HTML. Design time
| showNumbers || Show numbers to the left of each item. True/false. Design time
| getItem(''i'') || Returns the text of item ''i''.
| getItemCount() || Returns the number of of items. Runtime.
| deleteItem(''all'') || Delete all items. With no argument, just the last item is deleted. Runtime.
| addItem(''text'', ''img'', ''n'', ''header'') || Add a new item at postion ''n'' with ''text'' and ''img''. ''text'' can be html. Runtime. If ''header'' is true, the line appears as a heading. Only ''text'' is required.
| replaceItem(''n'', ''text'', ''img'') || Replace item ''n'' with new ''text'' and optional ''img''. Runtime.
| refresh() || Redraw list after updating. Runtime.

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== Example ==
== Example ==

Function List1_onclick(i)
  If TypeName(i)="object" Then Exit Function
  MsgBox "Menu item chosen: " & i & " " & List1.getItem(i)
End Function
Items can be formatted using HTML:
List1.addItem("<table><tr><td width=30>1</td><td width=200>Beschreibung</td><td>19.99</td></tr></table>")
You can change the color of the selected item:

== Output ==
== Output ==

(message box showing “Menu item chosen: 2 Two”)

[[Category:Language Reference]]
[[Category:Language Reference]]

Revision as of 20:23, 11 March 2013


The ToolTip control is used to display a quick message to the user. If the icon is tapped on, the message displays. The user can then dismiss it. The width of the control is defined in the properties. The height is set automatically, depending on the text to be displayed.


Standard properties are supported, plus:

close-icon-position Where should the close icon appear? To the left, right or not at all?
message The message which appears when the mouse is over the icon. Could be something like "Learn more". Does not do anything on touchscreen devices.
popupmsg The message which appears when the icon is clicked. Can be formatted HTML.
tipWidth The width of the tip. Can be in pixels (100px) or a percent of screen width (50%).


Standard events are supported. However, events are not usually associated with the control.

